

The list below will guide you through your next steps so you can smoothly transition into your first semester as a Viking. The list is chronological; some steps will only become available once you complete the ones prior. Please do not hesitate to talk to your recruiter if anything is confusing or if you need more information.


之间的互访 是可用的:
周一至周四:上午9:15.m., 11:00 a.m., 2:30 p.m.


首先,我们建议 认识你未来的同学 通过一个专门针对新入学学生的Facebook小组. 这个小组是了解更多关于北公园体验的好地方, 就以下步骤提出问题, 并在进入校园之前结识新朋友. Share your excitement and connect with other students about coming to North Park using the hashtag # NewNorthParkers.



Filing the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) is integral to any college application process. 从2024年12月1日开始,您可以提交2025-26学年的FAFSA. We recommend Illinois residents file no later than February 1 to ensure eligibility for the Illinois MAP Grant. 北公园的FAFSA代码是 001735.

We will send you a 金融援助 package once we receive your report from the FAFSA processing center or you indicate that you will not be filing. 在11月, we begin sending 金融援助 packages to admitted students starting at North Park the following fall. 如果你在春天开学的话, 希望我们一收到你的报告就能收到你的经济援助计划. 确保你阅读了经济援助计划中的所有信息. 你可以得到 网上更多信息 or 联系本科招生办公室 如果你有任何问题.

Your $200 tuition deposit confirms your intention to enroll at North Park University; it is a credit toward your first-semester bill. 您可以通过支票或借记卡/信用卡支付这笔押金. To pay online, use your application email and password to log into your 自助服务 account. 要支付住房押金,请按照步骤7.



  • 5月1日:秋季学期 
  • 12月15日:春季学期

一旦你的学费押金被支付和处理, you will receive an email from North Park’s Information Technology Department with instructions on setting up your North Park network account. 激活后, 您可以使用您的北公园电子邮件地址, 支付住房保证金, 注册课程, 并访问其他校园资源.

写作和数学分班考试会有帮助 识别 为您提供最好的英语和数学课程 关于分班考试的信息.

在你支付了学费保证金后,你就有资格申请 注册课程. Beginning in mid-April (for fall classes) or early November (for spring classes), 我们将向所有符合条件的学生发送注册信息.


  • 报名 发布日:注册课程并了解资源, 学术成就, 金融援助, 学生生活. 
  • 在书店买书 网上书店. 

Next, we need to know if you plan to live on campus or are an eligible commuter student. 检讨指引, then complete either the online housing deposit and application or the commuter application.


  • Pay your $250 housing deposit after receiving acceptance and at least 24 hours after you have paid your tuition deposit. 
  • We will send housing information and application instructions to deposited students beginning in February (for the fall semester) and October (for the spring semester). 
  • You will receive an on-campus housing assignment after registering for your first-semester courses. 

We hold the housing deposit the entire time you are a North Park student and return it when you graduate. The amount you receive when you graduate may be less than $250 if we assess any damage fees to the campus housing in which you lived.

We will refund your housing deposit if you cancel your reservation for North Park housing before May 1 (fall semester) or December 8 (spring semester).



如果你计划通勤,你必须完成通勤申请. 如果你符合以下其中一项条件,你就符合资格: 

  • Commuting from a primary residence within 30 miles of campus w在这里 you live with a parent or legal guardian 
  • 高级学位(90学分或以上) 
  • 本学年9月1日满21周岁 
  • 结婚了 

If one of these applies to you and you wish to commute rather than live in campus housing, 请填写网上通勤申请表.


如果你不符合这些条件之一,但仍然想通勤, 联系居住生活和住房主任申请申诉表格. 请参阅我们的 住房政策 了解更多信息.

North Park mails your first fall semester bill around July 1 and sends spring semester bills in early December. Students must pay their bills in full or have an approved payment plan with the 司法常务官办公室 by the 发表的最后期限.

You can only register for your second semester of classes once you settle your first-semester bill (either paid in full or in an approved payment plan). 您可以在线查看和支付您的账单 自助服务 (使用您的北园网络账号登录).

免疫和医疗信息: 支付学费保证金后,您将收到一份 免疫接种记录表 你必须完成并返回学校. 该表格应在每年的7月15日(秋季)或12月15日(春季)之前提交。. 请填写 pre-participation包 如果你是我们校际运动队的一员.

医疗保险: North Park no longer requires students to provide proof of health insurance policy coverage and will no longer offer a policy for purchase. 可能有额外的覆盖要求 本校.

然而, we strongly encourage all students to obtain health insurance coverage as the Affordable Care Act’s mandate requires. Students can obtain health insurance through their parents’ plans (if under 26) or go to 医疗保健.政府 购买健康保险套餐. 了解更多 关于学生获得医疗保险.

北公园社区的所有成员都有权利和责任. Ensure you know what we expect of you as a student—we hold all students accountable to the 学生手册 和大学目录标准.

North Park University is committed to creating a safe and nurturing community for all students. 探索我们的资源从夜间班车服务到手机安全应用程序.

每学期之前, we provide a Canvas course with vital information to keep you safe and healthy at North Park. 你可以查看不当性行为 & 通过以下步骤预防酒精和药物滥用- 2023年秋季: 

  1. 登录 Canvas 用你的北园账户凭证. 我需要进入你的北公园账户? 了解它 在这里. 
  2. 使用左侧导航单击“课程”.” 
  3. 选择标题为“第九条 - New Students”的课程.” 
  4. 开始学习这些模块. 

所有新生都必须参加 门槛,北公园的迎新项目,8月23日至25日. 我们鼓励家庭在8月23日加入. 查看完整的日程安排和回复.

如果你将住在校园里,请查看我们的 带什么到校园装箱单.


Learn about the rights that protect you and the services that are available to you as a student at North Park University.